svn - High level API for the Subversion version control tool

A Python API for the Subversion version control tool.

A lazy, ahem, agile person’s answer to the official svn bindings.

svn - Wrapper for the svn client tool

Subversion client wrapper.

Only supports versions 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8, others might work but have not been tested. Requires at least Python 2.6.

class Info(out)[source]

Represents the output of the svn info command in a structured way.


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__str__() <==> str(x)[source]
class Parser(command, arguments, options, **defaults)[source]

Allows passing nxpy.svn.url.Url instances as arguments to Svn’s methods.

__init__(command, arguments, options, **defaults)[source]

Takes an instance of Config, a command to execute, an iterable of arguments and a mapping of options and their actual values. The remaining keyword arguments indicate the options supported by command with their default values.

class Status(line)[source]

Represents the output of one line of the svn status command in a structured way.


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__str__() <==> str(x)[source]
class Svn(debug=None)[source]

The actual wrapper.


Takes as arguments the command name and a boolean value indicating whether debug mode should be activated for all executions of this command.

cat(*targets, **options)[source]
checkout(src, dest, debug=None, **options)[source]
commit(src, debug=None, **options)[source]
copy(src, dest, debug=None, **options)[source]
delete(*targets, **options)[source]
diff(*targets, **options)[source]

Return d’s svn:externals property as a dictionary of directory - URL pairs.

Note that only a limited subset of the externals syntax is supported: either the pre-svn 1.5 one (directory - URL) or the same with inverted elements. Throw nxpy.svn.url.BadUrlError if an external URL is malformed.

import_(src, dest, debug=None, **options)[source]
log(src, **options)[source]
mkdir(*targets, **options)[source]
propget(name, *targets)[source]
propset(name, *targets, **options)[source]
setexternals(externals, d, username='', password='')[source]
setignore(ignore, d, username='', password='')[source]
status(*targets, **options)[source]
update(*targets, **options)[source]

svnadmin - Wrapper for the svnadmin administration tool

Subversion administration tool wrapper.

class SvnAdmin(debug=None)[source]

Takes as arguments the command name and a boolean value indicating whether debug mode should be activated for all executions of this command.

create(path, debug=None)[source]

url - Models a URL adhering to the trunk/tags/branches convention

Subversion URL manipulation.

exception BadUrlError[source]

Indicates a malformed URL.

class Url(path)[source]

A well-formed Subversion repository URL that follows standard svn conventions.

The URL must end in either ‘trunk’, ‘tags/label’ or ‘branches/label’.


x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y

__str__() <==> str(x)[source]

wcopy - Models a working copy

Working copy manipulation.

exception ModifiedError[source]

Raised when attempting to tag or branch a working copy that contains changes.

exception NotOnBranchError[source]

Raised when attempting to delete a working copy that is not on the requested branch.

exception NotOnTagError[source]

Raised when attempting to delete a working copy that is not on the requested tag.

class Wcopy(dir_, url=None, username='', password='')[source]

A working copy obtained by checking out a Url.

__init__(dir_, url=None, username='', password='')[source]

Initialize attributes.

If url is not None, perform a checkout, otherwise check that dir_ points to a valid working copy.

__str__() <==> str(x)[source]
delete_path(path, keep_local=False)[source]