Creating new releases

Libraries should only be released when needed. Although a combined package is not released, its configuration should be updated to reflect library changes.

Assuming all changes to code and documentation have been pushed to the upstream repository, the basic steps for the creation of a new library release are:

  • Run tox in the root directory of your development checkout. Ideally you should be developing against the most recent supported Python release on one of the supported platforms. As long as Python 2.7 is supported tests should be run against it too.

  • Update any release related configuration file, e.g.:

    • CHANGES.txt
    • README.rst
  • Commit to master any remaining change and push upstream. This should trigger Travis tests against all the supported Python versions.

  • Bump the library version number according to semantic versioning: increment the minor version element if the new release includes API breaking changes, the increment version element otherwise. Add rc1 to the release number to mark the fact that this is a release candidate.

  • Run python sdist bdist_wheel in the library’s root directory. Check the contents of the resulting packages in the dist directory.

  • Run twine check dist/*. Fix any resulting problem.

  • Run twine upload --repository-url dist/* to upload the library to Test PyPI. You will need a Test PyPI account for that.

  • Create a new virtualenv and install the new library in it with pip install --index-url --no-deps --pre <<Library>>.

  • Perform a minimal test.

  • Remove the build, dist and <<Library>>.egg-info directories.

  • Remove the rc1 prefix from the version number in the file.

  • Commit and push all outstanding changes.

  • Run python sdist bdist_wheel again and check the contents of the resulting packages.

  • Run twine check dist/*.

  • Run twine upload dist/* to upload the library to PyPI. You will need a PyPI account.

  • Create another virtualenv and install the new library in it with pip install <<Library>>.

  • Perform a last test.

    Supported Python versions
    Supported platforms
    Windows 7 or later