Source code for nxpy.svn.wcopy

# nxpy_svn --------------------------------------------------------------------

# Copyright Nicola Musatti 2011 - 2018
# Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost Software
# License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at

# See ------------------

Working copy manipulation.


from __future__ import absolute_import

import os.path

import nxpy.command.command
import nxpy.svn.svn
import nxpy.svn.url

[docs]class ModifiedError(Exception): r"""Raised when attempting to tag or branch a working copy that contains changes."""
[docs]class NotOnBranchError(Exception): r"""Raised when attempting to delete a working copy that is not on the requested branch."""
[docs]class NotOnTagError(Exception): r"""Raised when attempting to delete a working copy that is not on the requested tag."""
[docs]class Wcopy(object): r""" A working copy obtained by checking out a *Url*. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dir_, url=None, username="", password=""): r""" Initialize attributes. If *url* is not None, perform a checkout, otherwise check that *dir\_* points to a valid working copy. """ self.dir = dir_ self.username = username self.password = password self.svn = nxpy.svn.svn.Svn() if url: self.svn.checkout(url, self.dir, ignore_externals=False) self.url = url else: self.url = nxpy.svn.url.Url(
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.dir
[docs] def commit(self): self.svn.commit(self.dir, username=self.username, password=self.password)
[docs] def update(self, ignore_externals=False): self.svn.update(self.dir, ignore_externals=ignore_externals)
# If 'url' exists do nothing, otherwise copy the working copy def _copy(self, url): info = None try: info = except nxpy.command.command.Error: pass if not info: if self.svn.status(self.dir): raise ModifiedError(self.dir) self.svn.copy(self.dir, url, username=self.username, password=self.password)
[docs] def branch(self, label): if self.url.isbranch(label): return None else: u = self.url.getbranch(label) self._copy(u) return u
[docs] def delete_branch(self, label): if not self.url.isbranch(label): raise NotOnBranchError(self.dir) self.svn.delete(self.url, username=self.username, password=self.password) self.url = None
[docs] def tag(self, label): if self.url.istag(label): return None else: u = self.url.gettag(label) self._copy(u) return u
[docs] def delete_tag(self, label): if not self.url.istag(label): raise NotOnTagError(self.dir) self.svn.delete(self.url, username=self.username, password=self.password) self.url = None
[docs] def delete_path(self, path, keep_local=False): path = os.path.join(self.dir, path) self.svn.delete(path, keep_local=keep_local)
[docs] def getexternals(self): return self.svn.getexternals(self.dir)
[docs] def setexternals(self, ext): self.svn.setexternals(ext, self.dir, username=self.username, password=self.password) self.update(False) self.commit() self.update(False)
[docs] def getignore(self): return self.svn.getignore(self.dir)
[docs] def setignore(self, ign): self.svn.setignore(ign, self.dir, username=self.username, password=self.password) self.update(False) self.commit() self.update(False)